Some people say it takes 21 days to build a habit, while others claim it takes up to 66 days. Regardless of the actual length of time for behaviour to change, by the time you are reading this article most people in this province will have been in isolation for more than two months suggesting
Pioneering Women in Automotive History
International Women’s Day #IWD2020 #EachforEqual is a celebration of women’s achievements, rights and equality. Mary Anderson and Charlotte Bridgestone are two women who made significant and noteworthy contributions to automobile design and safety but were largely overlooked for their contributions. These women pioneered the inception and design of the modern windshield wiper and although they
Pet Safety, Dog Seat Belts & More
Our pets are part of the family. With this increasing “pets as family” trend more pet owners are also choosing to bring their pet along for rides. Few owners likely give much thought beforehand about pet safety such as dog seat belts, harnesses, crates, etc in the event of an accident. Dog Seat Belts &
Gateway Autobody Earns Certification by Certified Collision Care
Winnipeg ‐ Gateway Autobody Ltd has been officially Certified by Certified Collision Care, a non-profit consumer advocacy organization for maintaining the right tools, equipment, training, and facilities necessary to repair the participating Automaker brand vehicles according to the manufacturer’s specifications. In achieving their Certification, Gateway Autobody Ltd is now an integral part of the most
Wildlife Collisions: What to do & handling your insurance claim
One of the saddest things to commonly occur on Manitoba roadways is collision with wildlife. In Manitoba alone, there are about 11,000 crashes each year involving animals. Collision with animals can cause severe damage to the vehicle and may also cause injury to the occupants. It all depends on the vehicle’s speed and type of
Meet Randy – One of Gateway Autobody’s Star Performers
Our first employee spotlight features Randy who has a ton of experience having reached a milestone 25 years with Gateway Autobody on July 16th. Randy is a Red Seal Motor Vehicle Body Repairer Journeyman. He also holds 3 platinum-level designations in Steel Structural, Non-Steel Structural and Aluminum Repairs. In 2014 Randy became the second technician
ADAS – The evolution of a car’s safety system
ADAS stands for Advanced Driver Assist Systems and is one of the fastest-growing segments in automotive electronics. Knowing if your vehicle has ADAS is important because if any of the components containing ADAS sensors are disturbed or damaged there is risk of malfunction and possibly injury if the component is improperly repaired or installed. Even if out by a single millimeter or degree a sensor’s aim can alter its trajectory by 15 or more metres down the road.
Otto: A Story about the healing powers of Love & Trust
Otto the cat and his brother, Ty, were born without a home. His mother, affectionately named “Mama Cat”, gave birth to two kittens next to a storage shed in the parking lot of our facility. By the time the kittens were discovered they were several weeks old.
Gateway Autobody Earns Safe Work Certification: A Manitoba & Canadian First
Use Your Phone Camera to Capture Damage Details
Cell phone cameras make it easy to capture photos of the scene and other details of a collision, vandalism or other acts causing damage to your car. Keep this handy checklist in your car with your vehicle registration.